Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jena 6

Just heard about a case in Jena, Louisiana where six black high school students are being charged (and one now convicted) for attempted murder for a school yard fight involving a white student. The facts and background are staggering... Democracy Now did a special on the case yesterday, featuring the voices of some of the accused, their families, and a feature of a forthcoming Big Noise documentary about the case.

Synopsis of the events on Pursuing Holiness
This blog is very good on keeping up-to-date on the case, a good one to watch.

Photo essay on While Seated

Opens with a photo of the infamous tree at the high school which was "traditionally" used by white students, symbolic of the racial tensions in Jena that allegedly set the stage for these events. Includes some videos and the promise of upcoming multimedia projects.

Democracy Now on Tuesday devoted entire show to the case

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