Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A family friend was found dead this weekend of drug related causes... She was 22. I keep having memories of playing in her backyard when we were in grade school, running up and down her stairs, jumping on her bed, general rowdiness. I haven't talked to her in years, but I found her page on MySpace. It was so staggering to see her picture slideshow along with a Decemberists song and a long line of comments from friends telling her they would miss her, some were hysterical, some almost nonchalant. Interesting how the internet has changed the way we can interact with dead friends and share our grief. This was the second drug related death of someone young I've known in the month of December.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i also keep thinking of mccormick's creek and the staircase in their house. did we built a fort in the living room at once point? a vague image keeps reappearing in my head. i wish i could go to terre haute on saturday.