Wednesday, December 13, 2006

"First world problems..."

I like to be called out on my complaining. A thousand violins playing a sad song for me, or the world's tiniest record player turning just for me, but my favorite is Kevin's...

Me: Ugh, my day was so difficult, I went to Indianapolis and went shopping at thrift stores all day and now I have to be at work and in the morning I have a final exam that I haven't prepared for, my life is so difficult.

Kevin: Yeah, it's so hard for us, all these first world problems.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know, i had to rush to the airport on the train...but first i had to stop to get water in downtowm Berkeley because i was hungover ...oh and it was, i was running towards the security checkpoint at the airport because i only had 20 minutes until my flight left. the guys in turbans ahead of me were getting the mega-serch and my priviliged white ass got through with nary an eyebrow raise. then, it turns out my flight was 3 hours, i took drugs and zoned the hell out. then i flew across the country and the guy across the aisle from me yelled "you better shut that goddamn baby up!". then i missed the shuttle to bloomington by 2 minutes and my roommate had to pick me up while i waited, glared and ate candybars.

i think i'm still feeling the effects of the pills. my life is so hard.